Clearing your throat as you glance at the wristwatch you don’t own and couldn’t see even if you did, you snap your fingers at TT with a severe nonsense deficiency in your expression!
Otzi and I are going to check out Fellick’s office, you declare like a teacher about to had out a test!
“B-but Inspecto-”
Irya and her men can start compiling a list of everyone in Crossroads with the ability to fly, you add, parrying the Bellcounter’s interjection like a master fencer! Time to get the ball moving on this investigation!
Despite your CLEAR instructions, your subordinate continues to mutter her response! “Er, Inspector-”
“Whaaat, do you need us to write it down for you?” Chirps Tzah-Tzie, the Durher clearly enjoying this more than anything else you’ve done in your <span class="mu-b">DARK QUEST</span> thus far!
“No, it’s just that,” Irya continues as she finally manages to lock eyes with yours, “The office is locked down for security reasons–you’ll need someone to dispel the wards.”
Oh, you frown, y-yea, you were just about to remind her about that! Refreshing to see her think ahead! In that case, you continue with another loud snap of your fingers, hurry up and get someon-
“<span class="mu-s">Mitaar shall light your way, Inspectors!</span>”
Oh dear lord no god <span class="mu-i">NO</span>