>>5715712Taking a few moments to settle down after your daring, uh, <span class="mu-i">rescue</span>... you follow your partner outside just as the <span class="mu-i">other</span> girl you rescued lets out the mother of all dejected groans!
“<span class="mu-i">SERIOUSLY</span>?!”
And just like that the magic’s gone… rubbing your temples in preparation for the impending headache, you enter the gym and find Pepper and Cammy staring each other down like a pair of territorial cats!
Something the matter?
“You <span class="mu-i">bet</span> there is!” The guard hisses as Pepper regards her with a bemused smile, “You didn’t tell me <span class="mu-i">SHE</span> was your friend! She’s not even supposed to <span class="mu-s">BE</span> here!”
What, you mean <span class="mu-i">her</span>, you ask as you gesture to your smug partner! This is just your uh… <span class="mu-i">coworker!</span> Her name’s <span class="mu-s">PEPPERONCINI</span> and uh… she don’t speak-a English so good!
Cammy blinks as if you just spit on her mom’s face. You’re about to nudge Pepper into doing the accent when you realize she doesn’t have her <span class="mu-s">COMPANY HAT</span> on anymore! Hey, you snarl, what’s the <span class="mu-i">DEAL</span>, <span class="mu-i">PEPPERONCINI!?</span>
“Got <span class="mu-i">hot</span>, slick.” She shrugs as she uses the hat in question to fan her still-sweaty chest, “Desperate times and all.”
Well <span class="mu-i">PUT IT BACK ON,</span> you growl as you take the hat and shove it back onto the red menace’s head! Does she <span class="mu-i">want</span> her brother to find out that-
“That his psycho-ass sister crashed a private party??” Interrupts Cammy with fresh anger behind her shades! You uh, you stammer as you scratch the back of your head, you’re guessing there’s history here?
“You’re goddamn <span class="mu-i">RIGHT</span> there is!” Sputters the guard as Pepper casually takes a seat on one of the ab machines, “This bitch wrote a <span class="mu-s">SLAM PIECE</span> on the <span class="mu-s">THEATER TECH CREW–</span>spun some <span class="mu-i">bullshit</span> about how the wood we used in the set design was ‘<span class="mu-i">UN-AMERICAN!</span>’”
You turn to face the journalist. Is that true?
“Yep,” Pepper nods, “Buncha imported Chinese garbage-”
“That stupid article made the school <span class="mu-i">INSIST</span> we pay more for local lumber!” Shouts Cammy as she barely resists the urge to tackle your partner! “We had to pay out of our own pockets for the last four musicals, <span class="mu-i">BITCH!</span>”
“A small price to pay for quality materials…” Shrugs Pepper.