>>5433980>>5433959>>5433946You pivot and proceed to run like hell, they can't do shit to you in front of the teachers after all!
The aforementioned marble floor made things a little difficult, but you had the lead due to the bullys recovering from your swift strikes. By the time they start to chase after you, you are long gone and heading upstairs to your class, skipping past students as you slide next to snack and sit down on the desk.
"Hey snack can you tell me if two older kids pass by?" You say as you lean down, using your desk to hide yourself as you make a show of searching your bag for a notebook.
Snack blinks, nodding and turns to the window, as a few minutes pass by, you feel a tap on your back.
"Yep, they passed by, and the bell rang so they have to head to their class if they don't want to get in trouble..."
You let out a sigh of relief.
"So buddy, what happened?"
"Following the steps of my lucha libre idols, I fought against the injustices of the world, protecting the weak and innocent!"
"Alright I might have gotten into a fight to stop some bullies from bothering another kid."
Snack snickers.
"Well damn, I guess there are worse reasons to get into fights."
<span class="mu-r"> Inform a teacher </span>
<span class="mu-b"> Deal with it yourself </span>
<span class="mu-g"> Ask snack for advice? </span>