Quoted By:
The bubbles that flowed throughout Diyu's waters intrigued me. The green hue, and even the smell. How a bubble could carry a stench it exuded, it puzzled me to no end. And even worse, it was giving me a reminder of something putrid I'd already seen. I just wondered... if they perhaps might lead me to *that figure*.
So I decided to go look and see.
When I swam over that way, I saw the source of the bubbles. A glowing pit of the Rotgut, settled at the seafloor of Diyu. The belching pond of it inflated with more and more of the bubbles every second. I wasn't going to dare approach the pool. It was surrounded by fleshy basalt and rocky skin that bled and boiled the closer it was in proximity to the rot. I immediately recognized it was actually trailing up from somewhere below... in the Makai depth. We had to go there, instead of delay further swimming around Diyu.
[SHENNU] "W-Wait... look at it."
I saw the pool of Rotgut, like a sea within this sea, begin to spurt up, bubbling faster... It suddenly fired up, like a jet! No, a geyser of Rotgut! We were caught within it!
(Affected by environmental hazard!)
(Effect: Start next battle with Toxicity and Cancer Statuses!)
I almost vomited the moment this stuff entered my nose. I threw both hands to the side, clearing it away from us with a psychic wave.
'Let's ge... urgh! Get out of here!'
[SHENNU] "...A... Agreed." She said, with tears in her eyes.
We left.