>>5380808>>5380708>>5380700>Head on back now, you may even be able to catch up to the Gaelans. Either way you deserve a good rest after all this.Though it would have been your preference to have destroyed all your enemies, you know that wouldn't be possible unless you followed after them and tracked down where they were coming from. Part of you imagines doing this, amusement at the idea of knocking over a human settlement or fortification yourself, and letting the Gaelans find out about this after. How many would turn faithful of you then?
Considering you're still not feeling fully recovered after last night though, and you've already done so much on your own, you really could do with a rest at least before you engage in any further crazy activity. Maybe if this were all happening at sea, maybe... but it's easier to exhaust yourself on land, not being used to it. In time, if you really are to invest yourself into these Gaelans and their land, you might adjust to being terrestrial.
<span class="mu-s">"I-I-I'll kill you monster! By G-God I swear I will!"</span>
<span class="mu-b">"No God here little man, just me."</span>
You spend the rest of the day trying to track your followers and return to their settlement. A bit of a misjudgement on your part as you're not yet used to being on land, you assumed like in the ocean you'd just be able to easily know your way around... but you kind of keep getting lost. Everything looks the same here, it's not your fault! Along the way then, partly in hopes that he may be helpful and partly out of boredom, you force a mouthful of blood to your prisoner and render him aquatic.
At the moment you find yourselves by a road, sitting and waiting for someone to come so you can see which way they go. By now your unlucky captive has adjusted to the change of becoming aquatic, though in regards to you and the change itself, he thinks you're some "demon" monster that cursed him. Well he can think what he wants but he's not getting away; for some practice with your ocean-controlling powers you spewed up a decent amount of seawater, enough to create a large tether of water between your head and that of the captive's, with which you can drag him back to you if he tries to get away.
<span class="mu-s">"Wh-Where is our l-liege?! What did you do with him... a-and the sorcerer... y-you ate him!"</span>
<span class="mu-b">"Behave yourself, or you'll share their fate if you annoy me."</span>
Brave little fool, faced with no option to escape, he tries to face his fear and brandish a dagger against you... which promptly dissolves from the unholy seawater. Shaking like a leaf, he makes big claims but just a move of your hand and he falls over backwards.