Quoted By:
>Krasnyy T-15s rolls over Mined Space, (Rolled 3, 2) Mine not Struck
>T-16s roll over Mined Space, (Rolled 10, 1, 4, 9) 2 Targets Hit and Destroyed.
>Infantry move over Mined Space, (8, 4, 10, 10) 3 Targets Destroyed.
I’ll be real I have no idea what’s going on with J-5 and J-7, I read over the turns over and over again, but it looks like you somehow agreed to move into the same space. Which you can’t do. You also can’t fire and maneuver into a space occupied by another unit’s vehicles. If you want to adjust that you’re free to because I feel like I completely missed the intent.
“Here we are. Attack formation. Let’s hit this place.”
“That’s a lot of flares. You’d think this was on the front line. May as well have searchlights all over. Anyways, what are we hitting?”
“Nothing specific. Area harassment was the call. Pick a spot and drop, any fire comes up, hit the engines and head straight on north. One run. Let’s go.”
“So that’s all of them then. Shit.”
“Sir. Maybe we ought to be thankful none of them went off?”
“Our positions were scattered either way. Nothing to do about it. Any remaining formations are to withdraw. Our front isn’t coordinated enough to take this group on.”
“Perhaps underestimating the Kobberhus Battalion was unwise?”
“I’m not too proud to admit when we’re bested. We’ll go anywhere else. Anywhere they aren’t, we win. Let’s go.”