>>5759999>fleshweaving the embryo[Anon, I can only cover so much at a time in an update, as you say. I wanted to establish this. There will be egg-related votes votes next. You may note, after all, that the Novice/Serpent Queen has not been present, and you should well know by now that she does not spend her time idly in Theral's absence, but busy in her laboratory.]
>railroaded into a substandard heir who isn't a proper dragonborn[With due respect, there was literally an option in the last vote to appoint full-fledged Dragonborn be your heirs. They would have been 'better' in that regard than what the Novice's child can be crafted into, btw, since they were literally made by a TEAM of specialized, advanced Fleshweavers in a special facility with HUGE amounts of material, rather than grafted/infused after a normal conception and egg-laying between a couple who are a nondragon and a barely-at-all-dragon-but-hehas-heart-and-plastic-surgery (which is all Theral is genetically).]