>According to the Swamplings, they were once chased by Demons and Dragons when the earth was dying to the shore where they met the Great Turtle who offered to host them on its shellback. The Great Turtle taught the Swamplings how to be good guests to the earth so that it would not be harmed so that they could continue to live peacefully with it.>The Swamplings were hosted by the Great Turtle for hundreds of generations, but like all living things, even the Great Turtle aged. So it brought the Swamplings back to the earth where it once lived with its kind before consuming it to dust. Before it died, the Great Turtle asked the Swamplings to treasure their Memories with it and to be good guests to their new home.Starting actions:
>1: Comb the Earth and Trim the Trees. Good guests always leave places nicer than when they found them.>2: Master the Craft of Knotworking. Swampling knots are tight and secured, and are also artistic. Knots help Swamplings hang their belongings high up in the trees, sometimes storing hidden goodies to come back to.>3: Master the Craft of Basket Weaving. Swampling baskets are lightweight and watertight and are used to carry their surplus food. They will also make hats out of them.>4: Adopt the Mighty Beasts. The wild beasts of the land are just as scared as the Swamplings are. Once they found an orphaned beast cub and nursed it back to health. The beast cub followed its new family until it got too big so it left. A few years later, that beast became a mama beast and came with cubs of her own.>5: Host the Salmon. The Salmon come every fall to lay their eggs and offer their yummy flesh as gifts if they swim effortlessly. The Swamplings shall clear the waters to ensure the salmon swim up to their spawning grounds comfortably and watch over their eggs so that more salmon will come the following year.>6: Host Groves of Oak. Acorns are the staple of Swampling diet and they shall plant oak groves in scenic and convenient locations, where they could harvest acorns and hang up their hammocks. Groves are essentially primed to become permanent settlements.Preferred color: Yellow
Starting Spot: The Great Swamp (see image)
I hope all that dark green is just dense woodland.