Quoted By:
You decide to sign U and Q Corp's sponsorships and send through the same chute they came outta. Now what's next is to see what your ETF agents dragged in. You flip your cameras to the third floor and uh. Well, the containment cube looks fine enough (if bigger than you expected) but your agents?
<span class="mu-r">They are not looking good.</span> Alpha, frankly, looks like he's hungover. His eyes are glossy and unfocused and his posture is terrible. Dust coats the young man's outfit, as if he hasn't bothered to clean them.
Beta is staring intently at the cube. Various rough, clearly done by an untrained hand bandages and stitches cover his face and hands. The only emotion you can see written across the man's face is utter disgust at what they decided to dig out from the Wastes.
Gamma is covered head to toe in ash and soot, with his sunglasses barely hanging off of his face. You swear you see a faint glimmer of something in the corners of his eyes, something glowing. He looks like he needs a drink.
He looks up at the camera. You look back at him through it. Despite not really knowing the guy or sending him on work orders, there's a weird bond you've formed with him. As if you walked a mile in his shoes.
>Due to your bizarre dream, you feel like you understand Gamma a lot better than you did before. A trait of his has been revealed to you.
>Savvy (All Stats Up!, WP+)
>All Stats Up: Every stat listed in the "Quick Stat Breakdown" section of the Employee Listing pastebin gets a + to it. (All work orders, STA and WP, Force, etc etc)
Delta also looks like he came outta a fire. As in his outfit still has wisps of smoke trailing off of it, alongside his hair. His face is contorted into a rabid snarl, ready to unleash his stress on anyone, like a loaded spring.
It's hard to make out Null's expression, given her burn victim status, but you feel like she's...ashamed of something she did. When she notices the camera looking at her, she looks away. Huh.
You check out their morale levels thanks to that "Automated Physiological Sensor" upgrade you bought ages back and hoo boy. Not looking too hot.
ETF-α: Neutral --> Exhausted
ETF-β: Composed --> Disgusted
ETF-γ: Confident --> Weary
ETF-δ: Neutral --> <span class="mu-r">Seething</span>
ETF-Null: Neutral --> Guilty
Their morale isn't low enough to make them unable to work (well, except Delta, unless it involves someone being beaten up), but you would say one or two bad work orders and they'll snap. Best to keep them calm.
ETF-γ ---> Administrator
ETF-γ: They usually send twice the amount of people we have at minimum to do Waste shit.
ETF-γ: Look. The moment we put that thing in the cell, we don't wanna be anywhere near it unless ordered to. Ok?
ETF-γ: Oh! And a possible Invasion, if that TV was correct! What a <span class="mu-i">lovely</span> day it fucking is.
ADMINISTATOR: I'm sorry. I don't have much control over what orders Corporate gives.
ETF-γ: Fuck man, I know. No apology needed. We just have a lot on our plate.