Rolled 15, 9, 12 = 36 (3d20)
>>5758189Taking this moment, you tap your goggles again. “Good news, Mugen. He’s definitely a skilled combatant. You… might want to be tactful in how you address him, though.”
Right as you finish saying that, though, he’s stopped firing and moved right past 19 without you or her even noticing, getting behind you and attempting to hit you with an axe kick. You block it with the Power Pole and then parry him, knocking him off-balance as with it and extending it out to smack him in the face. He only slightly stumbles though, going back to a defensive posture. “Calling for allies, organic?”
“Not exactly.” You twirl the Power Pole around and point it at him, keeping your guard up too. Let’s see if you can get him talking. “I’m betting your martial arts skills aren’t something ol’ Dummy-Gross implanted in you. You move with too much focus and intent.”
There’s a slight ease in his eyes, followed by a more amused chuckle. “You assume correctly. These skills are of my own choice, honed and focused through intense study and care. Rarely do I get to put them into practice.” Two of his arms cross, then pull back to reveal a pair of Kanabo war clubs in each hand. “You’ve kept pace quite well at this point, organic. You and your allies are interesting.”
Sensing his shift from defense to offense, the two of you launch at one another again, your Power Pole clashing against the clubs. “Are you sure you want to focus on us, rather than your target? I know why she let you loose. And I think you’ve figured it out too, you’re clearly smart enough.” you try to keep your senses tuned to Dummy-Gross to see if she’s still there, but a lot of your focus ends up on the fight at hand still, as he pulls the clubs back.
Two of his hands make a grab for your Power Pole to hold it in place, attempting to bring down the pair of massive clubs on you from the sides, but you flip your body up to avoid them and kick down at his head. He stays in place though, the halo of energy behind him blazing up and firing down at you. With one hand letting go of the Power Pole, you channel some Wind Magic into your arm along with your Ki to carefully swat them away, 19 dashing around to absorb each one you knock back.
He lets go and backs up, standing tall. “She believes I can slow you all down, yes. Which I most definitely have at this point. But I know she will not run, not yet, even though I would like NOTHING more than to see her faces filled with despair as I make sure her end is slow and labored. A small part of her is still proud of my status as her ‘creation.’ She wants to see me crush at least one of you.” He points one of the clubs at you. “This is why I hoped you didn’t break easily.”