>>6117479War Actions:-
With the flight of the Guliseare broken at Bahay despite the damage they caused to the city and its populous, it is recognised by Duke of the Orcmanie that they must be driven back from the walls of the city to allow Bahay to truly stand secure again. Granted and assuming overall command of the operation, Duke Guyard de Gorbashe rallies together a force comprised of the members of the Impromptu alliance. As such, the Bahay skirmishers that so plagued the initial Harpy advance with disruption and ambush are sent out ahead to take some vengeance for friends and family lost, plotting routes and using their shapeshifting talents to surprise, isolate and destroy small groups of potential ambushers; or to report back to the main force with locations if greater resistance is identified.
The main force of the combined host is that of the Orcmanie army that came to Bahay, their numbers supplemented with half of the Adenai compliment of the liberating army. As both peoples hold land in the same forests and recruit from many able woodsmen, it is considered that we would hold greater knowledge and skill in the forest environment then Harpies who make their homes only on the highest of peaks.
The first move of the gathered force is to strike south-east; clearing any Harpies who might be regrouping from the bounds and securing the territory there into Adenai protection; then advancing north-east into the remaining lands viewable from the walls of Bahay; assaulting and halting the Harpy Lumber operations. Should the Harpies here surrender then we shall show them more mercy then they did Bahay, binding them with steel and cotton and carting them back to Bahay as prisoners to repair what they have wrecked; but if they fight we shall kill them, and should they try to flee then we loose our arrows to knock them from the skies or drive them into the waiting Bahay skirmishers. These lands shall be taken into the Orcmanie, as they can both supply and be supplied by the boats that already ply the river Sainac.
With the lumber-woods secured, and should the compliment of men still stand hale and eager, then the combined host will cross the Sainac into Orcmanie lands and meet up with reinforcements sent by road and river. From here, they shall advance up into the hills alongside the Sainac on the northern bank; supported by river-boats and fresh archer compliments. Though an actual assault upon the Harpy capitol is not considered viable with the current resources, securing the nearby hills that can be supplied from the Sainac is part of a strategy to slowly wring the neck of these Avians and force them to the table. If their remaining forces are tied down in defence of their capitol for fear of an assault, then the threat which they can pose elsewhere will be significantly neutered.