>>Meanwhile, back on Amagi…>>One week after the taking of the Chiller…>>19 BBY, almost three months after the formation of the Galactic Empire>>Amagi, Mylar System, Unknown Regions (H-3)>>The High Council of the Mylar Star Alliance>Archon of Warfare (Head of Government) – Kaules Keimann, male Ferroan.>Mylar Star Army – General Suzui Sho, female Nagai.>Mylar Space Cavalry – Wing Commander Belka, female Chiss.>Mylar Star Navy – Fleet Admiral Laurentius Mercantor, male human.>Archon of Economic Oversight – Taski, male Twi’lek.>Archon of Foreign Affairs – Grun Kituh, male Bothan.>Archon of Human Resources – Medrin Ve, male Duros.>Archon of Internal Security – Elma Crane, female Arkanian.>Archon of Planetary Development – Sheng Sanada, male pantoran.>Advisor and Liasson to the Jedi Triumvirate – Master Aure, female zabrak.The office of the Supreme Archon was a reflection of the power that Kaules Keimann held over the Alliance’s military might.
It was a beige and blue-colored space within the Freedomspire, formerly the receiving room of the late Viceroy Paraz Ungtek. One entire side of the room was a window which offered a breathtaking view of Serano Spaceport and its main thoroughfare. Right in front of the view was a grand holo-projector, around which five tables had been carefully placed: one for each Archon, and enough seats for adjunct staff. There were deep-cushioned couches for guests and impromptu meetings, and a small bar on the side, but those had been cleared away in lieu for more regulation beverages and professional seating.
The garish decorations that once dominated the hall were nowhere to be found. Gone were the stuffed heads, the trophies for atrocities and memorials to the vile and depraved. The office was borderline spartan, favoring functionality over fashion; beyond the bright blue flag of the Mylar Star Alliance, there was little in the way of decoration that did not otherwise scream of war: maps of nearby star systems, a framed schematic of a Tof warship, a cutlass over the mantle, and a solitary picture frame on Keimann’s desk.
Out of hundreds of visitors, there were only two who had enough courage to show curiosity. Jedi Master Aure, with all the grace of a rancor in a glassware shop, had brazenly picked it up, then set it down after an inspection before going back into a discussion about writing legal code. The second was Mern Ugtek, who’d been dusting the room and had accidentally knocked the frame over. She had apologized profusely, perhaps genuinely fearful for the first time since the start of her “rehabilitation” as his housekeeper.
…but in the end, glass was glass, and the frame was easily fixed. The viceroy’s daughter had nothing to fear, not from the woman in the photo, or from Keimann himself. He wouldn’t hurt Mern or offer punishment beyond a light scolding and the cost of the glass, much to what he sometimes swore was her acute disappointment.