>>5728024As Michio blurted something about retreating to his guest room and him exiting the premises, you turn your attention back to Raoul.
"So, Raoul! Have you heard something about the Reality Anchors of Gongalla?" Time for a bit of info gathering.
"Ah yeah, grandpa and grandma told me stories. They're the bits that hold Gongalla up, right?"
"Yeah, don't tell anyone, but my team here's supposed to check them out. Make sure it's strong enough, stuff like that. I'll take whatever info you'll give me." You gracefully omit the part with the reality storm - you're not going to indirectly cause a panic.
"From what they told me, you can expect a dead god, or goddess, in each anchor. They're like a pocket dimension, you see? Well, at least with the one in The Crack. Anyways, grandpa said he had to kill the dead god there, now his friend Sierra's holding up the fort." You're not sure if the part with killing a dead god was mere exaggeration or not, but you keep it in mind.
You were about to ask another question when you feel something slumped on your back. It seems like Craig had decided to take a nap in the midst of your discussion. Complete with cute little snores, too!
"Aw, little guy's tired!" Raoul comments.
"Oh, uh, sorry about that. I should get him to the guest rooms downstairs." You gently cradle Craig.
"Yeah, sure! You go take a nap too, Rosa - you yourself look like you need one. And hey! We'll meet again, and talk about our travels again, yeah?"
You smile, and fist-bump him. "You bet!"
With that, you went downstairs carrying the fast-asleep Craig and set him down on a mat. Huh, Raoul was right - you are feeling kinda drowsy now. You take off your hat and lay down beside Craig - within moments, sleep overtook you.
And then, you dream.
>CHOOSE ONE (DREAM TYPE)>□ Nightmare>□ Prophetic>□ Nostalgic>□ Wet>□ Surreal>□ Hey waiddaminute, you've received this special dream before! And as before, your answer's still no!>CHOOSE ONE (DREAM CONTENT)>□ Something involving your current job>□ Something involving Craig>□ Something involving Raoul>□ Something involving Michio>□ Something involving Nemo>□ Other (fill in)