>>5861011U2: "You hear that Engis? The Hero of Yagvosk himself believes in you. Worry about patching up the frontliners, we'll keep the enemy off your back."
ST1: "Stalnoy platoon on site, advancing on the objective now."
>>5860992Base Commander: "Red Riders? What are you doing here? This is Khan Makmud's territory."
Red Leader: "We heard you were struggling to put down the Neviki Miners and their pet mercenaries. Khan MacCoinich decided we needed to show you how it was done."
Base Commander: "I will not refuse aid in our time of need but my Khan shall hear of this insult."
Stella: "Hello world! This is Stella the flying idol ace, coming to you from the skies of NODR. Today we'll be dunking on the NOAF. I can't wait to flex on those last-gen antiques they're flying."
Duck: "Ugh... idol mercs are such cringe, ever since that one chick started uploading combat footage MVs we've been getting random THOTs joining the PMC circuit."
Dogders: "On me Duck, let's show the idol how real professionals do things."
Zoric: "Quacken squadron, make sure you provide adequate cover to our planes. Don't go chasing the merc just for the sake of it."
>Declare actions everyone. Turn will be processed on Monday 8PM GMT+8