>>5933030>>5933039>>5933052>>5933069>>5933075>>5933077>>5933165The Rex, realizing there may come no better chance than this moment, orders a charge, with himself at the head. His fellow countryman charge alongside him towards the burning camp, intent on not letting them escape it. The enemy does not panic, but they are in a stressful situation; unable to easily put out the fires, and unable to readily retreat from the burning structure due to our army rapidly besieging it. Javelins and spells fly overhead as both sides collide, ours like the fierce tide upon the rocks of their fortress walls, but we do not break as the waves do.
An opening is forced, and our soldiers climb over their walls, suffering many injuries and deaths, but soon enough we are pouring into their fortress. An enemy with no way out fights fiercely and to the last man, a lesson painfully learned by how many bodies we are trading. Overhead, Avitus slaughters wyvern after wyvern, tearing into them with tooth, claw and tail, burning others who dare approach. Having lose his intended first mate long ago, he fights to ensure that does not happen again to his younger draconic kin.
Velox is being tended to, with several priests using all of their knowledge of Restoration magic upon him. Early Medicine would sorely help in a dire moment such as this. It is unclear if he will survive.
Within the fortress, several of the surviving three-headed chimeric mustelids break confinement, going feral and crazy due to the fire. This proves a chaotic boon as much as it is a bane to our forces, for the creatures also attack their handlers---perhaps they were not as tame as was once thought?
The battle is absolutely brutal, the likes of which has not been seen since ages past when the barbarian armies that would one day become Taurica invaded our lands at the behest of the Star Serpent. Bodies begin to pile up as the fires spread; with us distracting the enemy, they are unable to fight the fires and soon enough the entire fortress is alight.
The wyverns have all been dispatched, their bodies falling below; one of them upon the fortress itself to be cooked in the flames. Avitus soars downwards, landing amidst our forces, joining the melee against the enemy. Being so close to the enemy, he suffers a number of cuts and nicks, but his scales can repel any serious damage from their weapons, and he unleashes the full fury of his draconic might. As a massive dragon, he is more than capable of tanking blows and dishing out incredible damage, with swipes from his claws, biting attacks, tail whips, flapping his wings to create gusts of wind able to knock down a company of men, and of course his fiery breath.