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Arch Magos ADM1N walked through the chambers of the greatest Manufactorium upon Lucius in search of the grand office of the Fabricator General. As he looked around the location there were a great many more insights that were given to him that he never had before.
Such knowledge, even as the Leader of Legio Astorum, was only gained through passing in times before. The art of keeping the Titans stable and capable were well within his knowledge but how they were made was knowledge that he did not even need. In the previous Era of Lucius, the Reign of the First, ADM1N grown up and took over the Legio.
Those times were in retrospect simpler for the Priest. But in that simple era Lucius had grown weak by the stagnation that they were forced into. Not for a lack of trying, but the Warpstorms had cut off both communication from Mars and a majority of the fledgling colonies that the Forge World was able to create.
In these trying times everyone looked towards the Fabricator General. Once an expeditionary leader, now a relic so ancient that his sheer existence made him a living saint in the ranks of the Cult Mechanicus. This man, no matter how old, did try once every generation to get something going that would secure Lucius a foothold.
At the start was a foothold on the planet itself as the Hollowed out planet was filled with creatures of all kinds and breeds. After that they had looked towards the stars and attempted to breach what was an unending turbulence. Some had survived, some had died, with the only real successful colony being Mezoa who was rediscovered in the new era.
And it was a new Era, Arch Magos ADM1N admitted to himself. Before the new Era he would day dream of the potential succession to Fabricator General. It was between him and Arch Dominus J0LT who would gain the throne of Lucius.
He did not know it, but when the Miracle Child was brought to the Highest Court of Lucius that was the day Lucius entered the Era of the Federation.
The impact was not immediate, but things were shifting beyond ADM1N’s own scope of work. He had grown confused when then Fabricator General Lucius requested that a single Imperator Titan be transferred into his service. The Arch Magos, seeing it as a favor to a Saint, gave his rights to the Titan to his liege.
Then the Plastoids attacked, the counter attack which resulted in the death of J0LT, and the ascension of TalOS to Arch Dominus. During those days ADM1N could have easily been called spiteful for he did not understand why the oddest Priest he met was so heavily blessed. It was after his victories against the Plastoids and the building of the Federation did ADM1N realize he was in the presence of another Saint of the Machine God.