>>5574815>>5574816The Neveron patrol group arrives back in the Brohmiade system missing its squadron of scout sloops. There is some confusion and alarm on the Imperial channels until Admiral Hefin sends you a message from the bridge of his battleship.
>We have received astropathic confirmation from the Viper squadron that they have entered warp and are proceeding safely. But based on the distortion in the message they are experiencing time at least 50 times slower than us. They should be fine, likely only experience a few days themselves, but in Terran time they won't emerge for at about a year.>>5574781>>5574783>>5574786>>5574789>>5574794>>5574795Subsector Tyranus offers you their wholehearted support in principle but Lord General Baratheus Kal of Malta cannot risk sacrificing more of his Subsector's forces, especially considering that Subsector Tyranus contributed the main core of the Naval Crusade fleet.
Subsector Meridian is still recovering from the Triot Campaign and the lengthy efforts to restore, secure, and bolster their defences on the Sector's edge. Lord General Torus Bane of Gradburg offers a few dozen support & logistics regiments from Gradburg and Doria IV but cannot expend any of their combat troops.
Subsectors Ionium, Dominus, and Aeternus (IDA) are quite sparsely populated with no major Imperial Guard strongholds. However they are also the Subsectors that directly border Subsector Mortis. Several planetary governors have worked together to pledge a combined force of one million combat troops (+ relevant support units)
Many of the Imperial worlds within the three Subsectors have contributed some number of regiments, mostly token tributes. The majority of IDA's contribution comes from Erba - a hot desert world - and Ujosla - a civilised world of multiple competitive nation-states. The IDA forces also include a substantial pledge from the Shrine World of Astrobel - whose regiments are strong devotees of the Iron Monks and full of Battle Preachers. All under the command of Lieutenant General Dasan Eferniti of Erba, an experienced officer from a proud military dynasty.
Subsector Cryptus has also answered the call. The Governess of Solstreim, and Subsector Governess, Karyana Miraslova is eager to cement her relatively young Dynasty's reputation. A force of one million fighting troops plus all necessary support units has been pledged from the Hive World of Solstreim and the Fortress World of Volitair. It is under the command of Lieutenant General Barden Miraslova, a noble of the dynasty from Solstreim who is aided by a large staff of hardened military veterans from Volitair.