>>6019803>>6019812>HATI was expecting some Indiana Jones Temple Of Doom style descending stone door trap / hat grab scene (maybe reminiscent of the other Naughty Dog tomb robbing clone generic hero protagonist franchise Uncharted videogame series) but it did not manifest unfortunately. I wasn't too emotionally moved by this Last Of Us STORYTELLING EMOTIONAL DRAMA moment lol dinosaur hat / astronaut birthday trip long interactive cutscene sequence, it seemed too contrived to me. The bit I remember from playing the original Last Of Us (I think I mentioned it before) is that really frustrating upside down chain hanging gunfight where you are dangling by a metal garage chain or something and your controls get inverted as you are swarmed by the fungus zombies. I was so annoyed by that sequence (think there is some unskippable cutscene beforehand too) it annoyed me so much because Dead Space also did it (you get grabbed by some necromorph worm tentacle and flung about, the game messes up your control and aiming sensitivity) those sequences in games always make me cry
The challenge now for all QMs and player anons is to construct game scenes that make players / participants cry, genuine sorrow grief lamentation and emotional distress, yay