>>5528389The sheer dread you feel of having your retreat harried by these new nightmares is enough cause to raise your sword once again. However, the first course of action will be getting the hell out of the open in case the flesh beasts before those flesh monsters work up the courage to attack again.
“If we don’t flush these rats out, they’ll be nipping at our heels the whole time...” You quickly eye the sled on the ground and the tree line to the north. “Get your revenge while we get to cover.”
“So be it.” Seo sighs before readying her mace. “There’s a cluster of trees over there that’ll make for the best cover.”
Nilo grips her sword to the side of her body. “Go on then, Miss Sayazade.” She takes quick peeks at the inexplicable blade of fluctuating blood that the Vampyr wields. “I wanna see what that blood sword can do.”
The swirling crimson flares with life in her hand. “Allow me to demonstrate then...” Sayazade’s dark wings kick up a flurry of snow before she finishes speaking and the Vampyr’s lithe form shoots forth with inhuman speed and soon disappears in the darkness.
You’re caught in a gasp of watching her surge into the dark tree line before realizing that the rest of your group has already broke for the trees. Even Izurin left you behind.
You dip to grab the makeshift sled with your free hand before pushing through the high snow in a heavy sprint. Unburdened, your legs easily carve through the frigid powder, and you catch up to your group just as you all enter the tree line.
Seo’s target is a tight grouping of trees providing decent coverage on all sides, especially directly to the open snow to south with thick fallen trunks filling in the space between the still standing trees. It would’ve been a pain in the ass to navigate were you still carrying the unconscious Elin, but now you can toss the sled over the snow-covered trunks. After sliding over, you brace the makeshift sled against between one of fallen trees, protecting one of the few openings toward the southwest. Once finished, you roughly pull Izurin into the pocket of cover as she still straddles one of the thick logs.
Then, silence. Other than the quickened breath of those surrounding you and the occasional foot crunching into the snow next to you, the sudden chaos subsided as quickly as it started.