>>5742072>>5741412>>5741416The foundation of Greek and Roman civilisation originates not in democracy but rape. The conquest and ascendancy of ancient culture, legacy and heritage derives from rape which can be perceived in the widespread promulgation, veneration and pervasive glorification of all forms of rape myth, beginning with the gods and their myriad divine acts of rape. Democracy is a form of rape. Insofar as the subjugation of the individual will to the incomprehensible sortition of political destinies is concerned, democracy is enshrined as a regime of mass subordinated psychological ravishment. The modern incarnation of democracy, a determination deriving from Wilsonian idealism, the Fourteen Points speech and so forth, is a naive reconceptualisation of this ancient rape, an inherited rape. It is essentially the exhumation and violation of a barbaric corpse from an ancient tomb.
>>5741647Pic related, in addition to making illuminated diode scantily clad electronic bosom coverings this is perhaps the most famous exhibit the rape dress by Alexander McQueen from his 1995 collection Highland Rape (it was so successful he did an entire thematic remake, entitled Widows Of Culloden in 2006). I saw it in the posthumous London tour of the Savage Beauty McQueen museum exhibitions, to be honest it was not that great, not his best work but it generated the most controversy. I could not approach it to inhale / ponder the aroma unfortunately because it was encased and hermetically sealed.