>>5171202But if I must be serious, you missed the climax of the arc. With themes of duality, what happens when the unstoppable force meets the unstoppable force? What if both sides of the conflict are fighting for the exact same thing only to be on opposite sides of the battle? And what I hoped to be a pretty sympathetic villian? Then a dab of chaos to throw a wrench into things. Of course I'm probably hyping it up far more than my writing skill would allow.
However, never let it be said that I don't honor your votes. The unfortunate side effect of not anticipating possible choices was this. I didn't expect you to give up 4 months for a child. The months where things were gonna ramp up. Basically the major part of the year I was going to give you to study and get better before I threw in the main conflict took far longer than I anticipated and then when things started going...uhh...well you guys took a 4 month nap. Probably should have started throwing things in earlier but I didn't want to take away your training montage time. Still, I may not have gotten my epic battle with cool speeches and spirits but man, what a way to end an arc huh? Waking up to pure destruction. Alone in the ruins of a once prosperous city.
And here I was hoping you were going to be there to save it.