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"What the fuck is that."
In a mostly empty section of the first floor, right where those intentionally broken slot machines that you know hides the surveillance room, there's a hexagonal boxing ring with sturdy chain fencing around the edges of it. A few dozen basic chairs are scattered around to let an audience watch. Two men are currently beating each other half to death while a crowd of half drunk gamblers are cheering on.
A few waitresses in comically overblown cowboy outfits (hats included) are serving drinks to said drunk gamblers.
"Boxing? It's a way for folks to settle disagreements without gettin' kicked out. We also sell drinks to folks who want to watch it. Win win, ya know?"
"Huh. Smart." You can't really complain about that. You'll save that for last. A few other things that catch your eye is a small table at the farthest corner of the room. Four T-Corp residents are playing with weird looking tiles with symbols all over them. Another is a very cute and quaint shooting range with pop-up targets you have to shoot at.
"Mmh. Come with me, I wanna talk with you." You start heading your way over to the shooting range. Clover trails right after you, trying his best not to draw too much attention to himself due to you know. His status here.
The shooting range doesn't really have much to say about it aside from there being a cardboard cutout of Clover next to the range's counter. His hand is outstretched and a speech bubble with the words "$250 TO ENTER. $50 PER 6 TARGETS, AMMO PER 12 TARGETS. AMMO NOT TAXED."
"Let's just say I had to bargain with <span class="mu-i">P-Corp</span> to allow this." He spits out 'P-Corp' like it's a racial epithet. Can't exactly blame him after what he saw. You place $250 into the hands of the Clover cutout which quickly get sucked in through a small gap in his hands.
A revolver then rises out of a small compartment on the table in front of you. It's clearly a fake one that shoots pellets but the detailing on it could convince you it was real at a distance.
You pick it up. The moment you do, several shoddy cardboard cut outs of bandits and other outlaws pop up out of the ground. You let your body move on its own to fire away at the targets while you talk to Clover.
"So, sorry about your first mission being all of...that." You offer him a nervous laugh. He hesitantly returns his own low chuckle. "I can't promise any other mission I'd bring you on is gonna be any better."
"Nah, nah. I knew what I was signin' up for. Sure, this casino business is good and all but I wanna help people, ya know?"
Your hand keeps moving, shooting at targets with finely tuned muscle memory. "I get that. At least you did that whole cool timestop thing."
"Probably the only major highlight of that mission for me." Clover tries his best to keep up a jovial smile but it's clear his experiences back there are still weighing down him. You nod at him, telling him it's fine to talk about it.