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You decide to bury the open vaults- the one on Swallia, underneath Myym, the one on Vetuck, and the one on Andoen once you clear it of all of its worms. The one on Jaxt remains unopened, though you question the usefulness of it now if the worms were able to penetrate the Andoenite vault and destroy all of the inhabitants...
Over the next few hundred years, the Jaxtians will continually monitor and calibrate these life vaults to attempt to “reset” them, either to figure out how they work or to match the energy signals found in the currently active, yet unopened Jaxt vault. However, after a certain point as technology improves and the simulations are run, it is found that these vaults will <span class="mu-i">not reset by themselves and are a one and done kind of deal</span>, meaning that all this waiting and tinkering was pointless. The Azurium within the vaults does not degrade and is still right where you left it, but the inability to invest it early into new additions for construction projects, weapons testing, high-durability drilling, extreme temperature forging, and magnetic-ring battery production all leads to a less productive and economically rich Hegemony in the far future, where these investments would have returned great dividends. This seems to be a <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">missed opportunity</span></span>.
In the meantime, your efforts in destroying the worms infesting the Andoen life vault are soon completed. In <span class="mu-s">Year 108 of the Resurrection Era</span>, the worms are finally exterminated from the planet, no more random Jaxtians will be consumed by them... for now. You notice that the planet's reliquary defenses, namely the laser turrets that once covered the entire planet, would have been extremely useful to kill worms who appear from “nowhere”, as they seem able to do when traveling through open space. This disregards the long held theory of the guns being placed to stop a Baalathi or other alien invasion from the air, as even with their seemingly limited technology the Andoen aliens could have designed a much better anti-air defense system.
However, the existence of these life vaults is still unresolved. The technology seems closer in essence to the great Life Machine, which is an Aristocrat invention, and seems beyond anything the Andoen aliens were capable of according to what little you know about them as of now.