>>5205972>>5205462>>5205500>>5205674>>5205957Night falls in the woodlands, broken only by the patches of dim firelight which signify the hearths of small agricultural communities. You and yorur companions finish your repast, and the cover-up of your murders and monstrous mutations, and set out once more. At the edge of the hilly woodlands, you pause to look to survey the landscape with dark-piercing demon eyes. You gaze down upon the spotted human farmsteads and villages—at Sparrowton, Agatha Johan’s hometown, and where your entire saga as an Infiltrator began. It has been a wild ride, and it is surprisingly bittersweet to return to this place, and to your true home underground. So much has happened—and so much has changed, especially YOU!
‘Aww, you’re all grown up!’ Irinnile teases, cackling and leaving the sensation of a spectral kiss upon your cheek and her finger sin your hair.
It really DOES feel like you have matured and grown into yourself—discovered who you really are. Who would have thought, a few short months ago, that you would have done and become what you did and became? A businesswoman, a prostitute; a demonologist, an illusionist; a terrorist, a whistleblower; an assassin, a warrior; a lover, a predator.
‘And we ain’t done yet!’
Irinnile is exactly right. In the intervening time between your little experiment and the present, you were busy at work. You left Henzler to her poking and prodding at the nameless False Degenerate—the creature can EARN his name privileges back, if indeed the Serpent Priests do not order his summary execution—and returned to your remaining mage-thrall in Hawksong instead.