>>5730477Thanks to some twisted whim of fate, Hydra couldn't deal any damage to your opponent, but you still have a powerful board going into next turn.
"I apologize for calling you a fool. You've proven yourself to be a fearsome foe. But I can't die now".
She holds her left arm in the air for a few seconds. Then, it's gone. Her screams fill the void and a fountain of blood springs from her arm socket. You are both covered in blood, as are the table and the cards. Whether it's shock, surprise, or sheer horror, you are paralyzed.
Slowly, her screams die down. She desperately tries to pull herself together, her face deformed by pain and her eyes red with blood and tears. In her right hand, a card. Its back is perfectly white, there's not a single stain on it. It's so white, it's almost hard to look at.
"Now..." Her throat is sore and her voice is broken. You can barely make out what she's saying. "Now... let's kill each other".
Choose up to two
>Organ Harvest, a Martyr that gives you resources>Chimaera, a creature that deals double damage if it gets to attack directly>Andaluz, a Martyr that makes your creatures tougher>A second copy of Organ Harvest>Play nothing (let Hydra spawn a token)>Listen to the voices?