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However, Lydia was quick to add some further details. "Hold up. I think we can still make this work though. For one, it's not too much rubble. This isn't like the giant pile of rubble which Evander blew up before. It's not from a collapse or anything. It's just things placed in the way of the doorway."
"More importantly though, I think the rubble here is mostly just that: rubble. The barrels don't have any warning labels on them, and I don't see any heavy chemical damage anywhere. But that's just my theory for now, anyway." Lydia would argue, your men still seeming a bit hesitant about the whole plan of going over. However, as your men would start discussing their reluctance to head to a potentially blocked off entrance, Lydia's eyes widened. "Oh crud, guys!" Lydia would try and hush her voice a little. "Mikhail, Mikhail!" She'd signal you to come over, as she pointed at the screen. Laura, Thaddeus and a few others also came over to check out what Laura was panicking about, only for the drone to capture movement in the distance. Something human-sized but not human shaped was moving around in the distance, moving away from the drone. Lydia looked at you, before carefully making the drone levitate upwards and towards the moving object.
Everyone was glued to the screen, watching extremely intently as you’d get closer and closer. “That… that looks familiar.” Laura said softly, as the drone soon got close enough for you to see what it was. It was another subject. She was about 6 feet tall, based on her surroundings, and appeared to be quite well armoured. She was currently walking around quite quickly, seemingly holding a piece of clean looking metal which she’d… take a bit out of? You couldn’t see exactly, since she was facing away from you still. Though as you approached, Laura’s eyes widened. “It’s Morgan!” Oreas immediately would push herself forward to see the screen. “Really? Show me!” Kamara also tried to carefully get a look at the screen, though kept on being blocked as she seemingly didn’t have the guts to push your men out of the way.
Though as the drone focused longer and longer onto the subject, she soon would turn around and would freeze as she spotted the drone. “Yep, that’s Morgan.” Oreas would say excitedly, whilst Lydia seemed a bit more concerned. “She… she doesn’t seem too happy with the drone. What do I do? This thing also doesn’t have a sound system in it either, so I still can’t communicate.” She asked you, clearly not knowing what to do. Last time with Viridian, the subject had just grabbed the drone with ease. Now though, the flying drone was presumably out of reach, which Morgan did not seem too pleased about. In fact, you could see Morgan squinting her eyes and taking a bit of a defensive stance with her arms at the ready to block something. “Oh, she seems ready for a fight.” Thaddeus would mumble, as it appeared that you had found another subject.