>>5632567Pen also had a few choice pointers on the arts of physical beatings. This doesn't cover everything but is useful to know.
Most improvised weapons deal Fatigue. Your fists and legs and teeth deal 1/2 Brawn fatigue unless you're quite dangerous. You'll need time and timing and lots of connections to score proper implements. We have a few in the company but even the Woodbreakers I got on mass sale from a Reikan noble-house that got insolvent. It's actually sort of hard to score enough gear to outfit a small army, you know?
That's why it's so useful to sharpen, adjust, or modify your weapons or those of your allies. Scourges are especially helpful here, as Sigils can layer unto Objects to bolster their general capacities. Steady actions and the right tools help here - maybe get your local Sappers to polish up a spear, or some-such.
Also, you might spot that some ranged weapons are a bit variable? Our standard broadheads deal 1d5W, instead of some flat number. Sometimes, ranged attackers strike something that shouldn't be poked holes in. That's a bad, bad time. This goes for most ranged attacks. But keep in mind that ranged strikers have to contend with environmental obstacles and cover a lot more than someone right up there in your face. The best advice I can give for fighting bowmen is don't get shot.