>>5819469>>5819471>>5819473>>5819474You ask The Adversary if the moth girl is his daughter.
"Oh, yeah. That's Lucy." He says.
"Daddy, is that God?" Lucy asks.
"Yeah, sweetie, that's God." The Adversary replies.
"Okay then."
You tell The Adversary she has his eyes, and that he has his mother's eyes.
"Yeah, red and blue. Those are kind of like, our colors I guess. Because of light."
You ask him what he's been doing for the past few hundred years.
"Trying to get The Holy Kingdom back on track to avoid eternal damnation. Lowered tax, opened charities, passed religious freedom laws, and avoided getting annexed by the LHR. Also got married and started a family 5 or so years ago."
>Punish The Adversary>Reward The Adversary>Talk to him more>Go do something else