Quoted By:
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">A Drop of Jupiter's Blood — A Tale of Swashbuckling, Merriment, and Tragedy</span></span>
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">PREMISE:</span></span>
This Quest takes place on a water world known as <span class="mu-s">Monda</span>, which is inhabited by several races.
You'll assemble a crew, pick places to pillage, gather loot, search for treasure, wage war on the open oceans, and aim to be the most feared crew this world has ever seen. Highly collaborative, and very combat-lite. Much of the decision making will be based on discussion, with you all acting as stand-ins for the crew, and myself for the captain. As in real life, I have final say, but of course any captain worth his salt will surround himself with intelligent men, so I want to hear your ideas.
Lots of write-ins are expected on much of the decision making, so if you're not down for that, this may not be the quest for you.
I'm taking large inspiration from One Piece in terms of themes, plot progression, and overall structure, but I'm aiming for the tone/world to be more reminiscent of Pirates of the Caribbean.
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">SETTING:</span></span>
It's <span class="mu-s">Age 855</span>, and you reside in the small harbor town of <span class="mu-s">Hunger Bay</span>, within the country of <span class="mu-s">Malador</span>, which borders the <span class="mu-s">South Flash Sea</span>.
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">RACES:</span></span>
Humans, known here as the <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Huminidae</span></span>, have no special skills for sailing, though they also have none of the disadvantages of some other races. They come from the country of <span class="mu-s">Dosse</span>, a French inspired society of merchants.
The <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Ursidae</span></span>, a bear-like species who make expert seamen thanks to their navigation skills, and have no country to themselves after the <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Alrulian War of 687</span></span>. They're known for their raw strength, yet gentle nature.
The <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Suidae</span></span>, a pig-like species who are incredibly durable, deceptively intelligent, but slow, cumbersome, clumsy, and are not adapted well for sailing life. They come from the country of <span class="mu-s">Velé</span>, a Turkish inspired society. Best known for their affinity for cooking and scouting thanks to their keen noses.
The <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Gekkonidae</span></span>, a Gecko-like species, who are also ill suited for sailing as they have a strong dislike for water, but have amazing grip/adhesion, making them incredibly useful on ships. They mostly come from various tropical islands located in the Southwest most region of <span class="mu-s">Monda</span>, known as the <span class="mu-s">Hotlands</span>.
The <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Lamnidae</span></span>, a shark-like species, who are incredibly well suited for sailing thanks to their inability to drown. They hail from a great nation beneath the waves, and only recently started to test their luck on land. How they can breathe air is still unknown. Best known for their unmatched speed, their strength, and their viciousness in combat.