Quoted By:
>MBF Model 129. Feed feed feed it, it shoot shot shot 88 sideways times it loves you :) (1 per 1 C, 4 A)
>DRONES (WITH FACES). typical body is six feet long, stout,, relatively cylindrical but we're bigger now with snoochable faces customer winning smiles headpet and sweet smell.(1 per 3 A)
>MRJ Injector. one jab for a specil Mployee to get a little closer to THE MOON OVER HEAVEN. Tastes beetler than potato chips for heads (more puwer) :D (1 per 10 A, 1 C)
>Malkbug. as big as five seat car. peak in quality meat malk chitin etc, feed it regulary to get steady stream of three above. (to editor: is it melk or malk? :?) (10 A)
>BONECUTTER FOR WOMEN flower engravings, high anf effisient power motor, SOUPER CUTE!!! cuts through bones steel robots yes yes wait you're not girl? oh. :( (1 per 2 C)
Society of the Unusuals
>PARADIGM LOAN. This time, you can take PARADIGMs from us! You can keep them for up to two days. Warning: May have undiscovered side effects.
-FOR THE GREATER GOOD. A gleaming police badge. The only thing to keep the peace. Enables a supranatural connection between authority figures and their subordinates. (1 ICP, 3 C)
-UNBOUND LONELINESS. A cluster of pitch black glass, constantly levitating in the air. Deconstructs and manifests employee traits into reality. (2 ICP, 4 C)
-JUDGMENT FROM BEYOND. A set of scales carved from the purest ivory. Attunes to a target’s SOUL. Lies will be spotted, attacks will strike true, sins will be accounted for. (2 ICP, 3 C, 3 A)
>Counterfeit Bullet. An incredibly watered down copy of AFYN’s one and only bullet. Still holds immense stopping power. (1 per 1 ICP and 3 C)
>Field Research. ETF Agents will be trained to write down and study the anomalies they extract, giving you more knowledge about them. (13 A, 1 C)
>”LR” DETECTIVE Update. Allows your DETECTIVE model to analyze two anomalous objects or extracts at a time or one in greater detail. (1 ICP, 3 C, 5 A)
Flesh, Focus, Feasting
>Meat Smoker. Produced with the help of H and S-Company, increases the quality of any kind of meat put inside. Comes with faux charcoal. (13 A)
>Menu Update. Improves the quality of the food given to employees by replacing MREs with actual, edible food. (9 A)
>Tenderization. Extraction works have a small chance to restore anomaly morale or remove overstimulation when performed. Does not work on anomalies who hate Extraction works. (2 C, 5 A)
>Class 1 Food Shipment. A small supply of basic ingredients to allow any Chefs to keep cooking. (4 A per shipment.)
>MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT! We crave new, unique anomalous meats! Sell them to us for a buck! (+4 A per Mystery Meat, +6 A or +1 C per Blue Flesh.)