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Shultz knew he had to be very careful. No doubdt the Terrons had seriously hamstrung their own force projection capabilities, but with their apparent unparalleled mastery of the Enemy's technology, their ubiquity of stellar fusion plant technology notwithstanding, but what was obviously hidden hardpoints and modules only indicated by almost redlining the scanners, a general distrust of outsiders. He straigthened his posture, and mirrored the message. "I, too, bring tidings from distant stars. I am Frontier Commander Walke Shultz, leading the Zul Expeditionary Fleet, under expense of the Great Garmillas...Kingdom 'I had better not say Empire. This could lead to a terrible incident. Besides it's technically true.'. We bring a message of unity against the enemy of all Humanity, to come together in our common struggle." Shultz said thise words, and felt his throat drying like sand. What a lie that he just told, as though he was just breathing! But...'Best they come into compliance peacefully. They'd still be allowed some of their freedoms, maybe even rise to the position of First-Class Garmillans.' 'Even though very little other than pureblue Garmillans are ever promoted. And some Jirellans.' A traitorous though sprouted in his mind, quickly quashed out. The Terron fleet could have had telepaths scrying him at this very moment. He cursed that they were not allotted any psi-shielding equipment, seeing as they were a ""minor"" force.