>>5722272>>5719261>>5721301>>5721303>The PlanI'm gonna try to get us smoke on the fallback position in the forest next turn which we'll retreat into after getting our reaction fires off.
I suggest you all get your Fire and Manuevers ready since having just an extra tile of movement could be the difference between life and death.
>Probably put your chemical suits on, they have artillery on us now.Again those TSU-15s are indirect fire artillery so watch those, should be fine if we move since 12cm takes a turn to land.
>Wester you especially probably need to get a Fire and Maneuver ready.Since your APCs are a bit slower, it's gonna be a bit awkward to position them even with roads.
>Do you guys think you'll be fine on your own?The center's getting overwhelmed and depending on how things go, I might shift there to support.