>>6103757That's right I was taking out the trash. Knape was right when he said that if I kept daydreaming like this I would forget forgetting that I forgot. Wow that's a lot of tuna cans! Alright off to the hatch.
I've always liked the carpet they have in the hallways here. A lot of people don't like it though. They say that the blue and white criss-cross hurts their eyes. I like to imagine that each and every step I take has it's own carpet-coordinates. What do they call that anyway? When people make maps that has a name.
Wait why is Mrs.Horrace hunched over like that?
Is she okay? It's my day off but The Niceness persists. Help people. You have to help people in need but you can't be nosy. Plus it's my day off. I know that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things but isn't being nice to yourself also kind of important?
But am I really going to walk right past this?
Could I really be that kind of person?
>Stop and ask Mrs.Horrace if everything is okay>Continue on down to the garbage hutch>Something else ________