>>5853588Regrouping with everyone and managing to take a bit of a break, and explaining just what happened down there, you all end up looking towards the rice cooker that Piccolo sealed Aspinthion in. Cheelai, hiding behind Don and Bon, who themselves are kinda hiding behind the diving mechs, look at it with trepidation. “It’s good that you stopped it and all, but what in the hell are we gonna do with it now? Just leave it here with a big ‘DO NOT OPEN’ sign on it?” Cheelai questions.
“I can take it to the Lookout and keep watch over it there.” Piccolo suggests.
“Towa and Dabura might try to look for it eventually. Lookout will be one of the first places they look.” Basilea states bluntly. “Might have been better to just toss it into space, or preferably a star to make sure it’s gone for good.”
You cross your arms as you have your mech kneel down to it. There’s… still an ominous presence coming off it, but nowhere near that you were feeling before. What to do…?
>A. Finding some place here to keep it sealed and telling the merfolk what happened so they can watch over it might be the best option for us>B. Lookout is still safer than leaving it here, you should put it there, Piccolo>C. You know, Basilea has a point, how about someone watch over it until we can find a way to properly destroy it>D. Something else?