Quoted By:
“Yes, quite. As it stands that we are going to be up and down and all over the Principalities for the foreseeable future. So father figured that it simply would be easier to buy and keep a coach than to constantly having to transfer between different lines.”
“Under the circumstances, I would as too, though … well, would I be correct in assuming that you have Transit Papers for your menservants?”
“I ... I, uh, cannot say that I have seen them, but I also cannot imagine that father neglected something like that.”
“Well so long as you are not hiring out the coach, or taking on cargo or mail for delivery, then you shouldn't need any other licensure – so long as you stay on the Thoroughfares. Once you get off those, you are subject to provincial and local laws and fares. To tell it true, there are places where the Tollmen are worse than Highwaymen.”
That is not something that you wanted to hear, but even so, you are glad that you did.
“So there is no permitting required to drive on the Thoroughfares? I admit I know little of such matters.”
“Oh, no permit required.”
Ah, good.
“So long as you can produce a copy of your Family Patent.”
Ah, shit.
“But that and the Transit Papers for your menservants should be enough to take you through the Thoroughfares. Provincial and private roads, as I mentioned are another story, but there isn't a provincial capital that the Thoroughfares can't get you to … eventually.”
Well, that would be a bit encouraging, if you had a Family Patent – or at least some inkling of an idea of how to get your hands on one.
“And I should add, that some of those provincial and private roads can be dangerous.”
“Dangerous as in poor repair?”
“Yes … and dangerous as in blighted by bandits and wreckers. To be sure, stretches of the Thoroughfares are, shall we say, rough around the edges – especially further into the interior, towards the frontier. Though I cannot imagine that you will be heading that far inland.”
You had figured as much, but you still hate to hear it from an authority on the matter. Still, saying that won't do at all.
“Oh, I shouldn't imagine that we'd have to.”
“Still though, I would recommend your father hire a guard – a Thief-Taker's Guildhall is always a good bet for someone reliable. “
“I will pass that – wait, so you will sell?”
“Oh, certainly. When would your father be looking to take possession?”
Relief is surging through you at the moment – but you cannot let yourself get swept up in it, as Goodman Nasturtium has posed a rather tricky question. When will you take possession of your cart? Before you have started 'moving house' through the sewers, or after? And when the Hell is that going to be, exactly? There is so much that you want to and need to do tonight ... well, first things first.
> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Take possession before 'moving house'.
> Take possession after 'moving house'.