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Your drone fleet cannot fight both Qarthadast and Klemperer Orbital at once, but you have the advantage of surprise and them being distracted and engaging each other. To overmatch them would probably require one other warship alongside your Drone Fleet.
Your drone fleet is very strong against interceptors and gunships; depending on the type of missile, it can also intercept and destroy some lower speed / low manoeuvrability missiles. You also feel confident that because of the dedicated nature of your drone fleet, your drones outmatch rival drones launched from nonspecialised warships.
Drones are useless versus beam weapons, fast missiles and railguns; they also fare poorly at very short range versus autoturrets (other than by suicidally flying into them as a kamikaze distraction). You are also aware that because of their heavily interlinked network command and control, drones present a large attack surface for cyberwarfare and intrusion, due to the enormous amount of data generated by the individual combat nodes, quadratic scaling with Metcalfe's Law as n*(n-1)/2 data links are generated per drone connected to the others in the swarm.