>>5955341>Maggie followed the cat's instruction."Umm... I am Cadet Maggie Bigby ma'me! As for my co-horts they are just civillians or really just animals that are descendants of the animals from the research center. Their names are Ursus and Kinny. They have no rank ma'me."
>The black cat then sighed."Math cuid de charaidean earbsach."
>She said as she flung the ring off her tail.>Transforming her to her true form."Neònach. Bu chòir innealan-fuadain a bhith an seo gus aodach air a bheil feum mòr agus biadh furasta a thoirt dhuinn cho luath ‘s a dhùisgeas sinn. Chan e gu bheil feum agam air aodach air sgàth an sgaradh anns a bheil mi. Fhathast càite a bheil iad?"
>Maggie turned away and blushed."If you are looking for some clothes we have some upstairs! Ursus Kinny mind helping a lady out?!"