Quoted By:
[OBERST] "Achtung...!"
[OBERST] "Macht die Waffen bereit!"
When we appeared in the midst of the Wintry Battlefield, place of War's worst conditions... we got fired upon immediately and met a hall of bullets!
[ESKART] "What...?!"
[JENK] "Mortals!?"
[SHENNU] "No, not just Mortals... deceased ones, who died in battle already!"
'They must still wish to serve it any way they can... and it seems they decided they'd be at Woldor's beck and call to test those ascending the mountain then! These are merely the appetizers for the five course meal he has ahead for us!'
[WOLFBOY] "If he's a chef now, he must only serve knuckle sandwiches! Agh!" Wolfboy yipped at the sting of a bullet against his cheek.
The commanding officer raised his hand and laughed.
[OBERST] "Ve are vlaying ze Warcall! Woldor's power flows zru our spectral veins! Fear not to ztriek us, godlings, for our zouls cannout be destroyed by you! You need only overcome zhis battle!"
Their bullets hurt for sure! Under whatever effects they were in the Realm of Woldor, this seemingly normal army was now an Immortal fighting force. They would certainly tear apart any army back in the real world easily, but they cannot leave. They serve here as the first test!