Quoted By:
Though you find initially find it hard to drift back to sleep, the dismal sound of rain on the tent soon lulls you to bed, and your mind drifts away.
Your dreams are initially the same as they were last night - your home in Faerûn, and of the awe you held for your sister. But tonight something is different.
Your dreams turn to nightmares. You picture yourself in Joannus's shoes, sailing the Sea of Swords, bartering for cursed artifacts on the Waterdhavian black market, accepting dangerous jobs for coin in derelict villages along King's Road. You imagine your little sister, Aranuel, looking up to you as a role model, and you feel guilty; not because you are a bad role model, but because it's an illusion, a false image. The weight of the world is on your shoulders, but you are just woman. You're in over your head, and you cannot hope to deliver.
You wake up with the dull daylight creeping in through the cracks inyour tent. You didn't get much sleep - you rested all night, but you feel like you only slept for 5, if that - but you still wake up feeling a step healthier. It feels as though the cost of your death, the crippling fatigue, is losing some of its edge... you feel your muscles working again as you push yourself to your feet. Maybe you will recover fully and be back to your old self soon enough.
Long Rest
You rested for 8 hours. You regained all expended spell slots, half of all expended hit dice, and lost 1 level of Exhaustion.
You dropped from Exhastion Level 4 to Exhaustion Level 3, losing the following penalties:
- You no longer have disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Saving throws.