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" Drop 'em, Agents. "
High flying fisticuffs, foam grenades and bucket based martial arts take stage as Agent Butterfly demands the attackers cease their aggressions. And thus, properly assured that we have performed as the regulation specifies and given them a chance to stand down, the field team strikes. The fact most of these operatives can't really hear any demands because of the flashbang is immaterial. Being hit in the face is the universal sign for SIT DOWN.
Agent Monarch performs HIGH STAKES DATAMINING and offers a side-hustle as a guide on the proper pronoucation of multicompound genetic cluster variability in third stage embryronic research (roll your rs), and that little nudge helps Agent Graphite sell the lie.
Agent Fold rolls up with coffee.
And the Client - undisturbed - with good tech support and better coffee - cracks his fingers, rolls his shoulders and types... a little more... code...
>Reaction Phase