Quoted By:
QM: the hackers will accept your offer of CYBERNINJA services - they may call upon it at some later date. You have a feeling that your attempt to hide your identity of being unaffiliated with Samaya City and Independent Friends Alliance was unsuccessful (QM: this is because, as of now, you are basically the only cyberninjas I have imagined in the Universe. And if they can crack advanced encryption they have no difficulty tracing your identity hehe)
QM: So I think this is the final major decision-choice for the Independent Friends Alliance for this turn, I will reveal the outcome in the end of turn summary. There is no roll for this.
>Choose Glitch Boy to decrypt the data;
>Choose Magenta to decrypt the data;
>Decrypt the surface layer:
this is the STAR DATA originally mentioned by Clara the Researcher; incredibly valuable corporate plans of habitable worlds and colonisation opportunities intended for Vandenberg Aerospace. The raw data is worth 500 ISD, or alternatively enough to instantly complete your ARMED MERCHANT CRUISERS and also leave around 200 ISD to spare. It also functions (gameplay wise) as a one-off use of TWO ASSETS Safe House and Supply Cache (this means, you can pick any sector once, and have a permanent planet there with abundant natural resources, and no-one else knows of it).