HP:5/6, Edge:3/6 (5+1), Move:4(5-1), Def:4, Crit:7
Cool:1, Sharp:2, Hard:0, Weird:3
Skills: Spook [+Spy Action,1AP]
Weapons: Pistol [R:10,D:2,A:1/4], Fists [R:1,D:2,A:N/A,Crit+1]
Gear: Drug Kit (1/2), First Aid Kit(3/4), Smoke Grenades (1/3)
Assets: Two-Piece Suit [+1Edge]
Heat:0, Wanted:0
>Move 4E>Move 1SE, 3EI seem to have not hit the corner and avoided the stun, but I will deduce 1AP anyway, because I was too lazy to actually update my turn. Thanks for the fix though, now I've got a confirmed kill on that Mohawk. One ammo down for overwatch.