Quoted By:
You hem and haw a bit, considering ... but with both Marpessa's advice and your ever tightening schedule weighing against it, you decide to quit this place instead. You convey as much to the dressmaker -
"Yes, I ... suppose there is sense in that. Thank you for that as well. And ... good day, and good morrows."
- then you head out. With an hour and a half - <span class="mu-i">or less</span> - you really cannot afford to dawdle ... though you do take the time to open your parasol while standing in the doorway. Partly because you figure that you have more than enough black luck on your head, and partly so you can get an opportunity to peer up the street without looking more conspicuous then you already do. The first thing you notice is the door man on your dexter - he is neither the one who insulted you as 'having more inches then sense', nor is he the one who recognized you off of the street - though it is possible that he was the doorman present the day that you actually commissioned the dress, you are not sure. However, he does not give any indication that he recognizes you either, beyond a polite bow, and and appropriate pleasantries. The real focus of your attention, however, is further up the street, to the Haberdashery. The Inquisitor's carriage is still there, but there seems to be <span class="mu-i">more</span> Cleansers milling around it than you remember, and more concerning is that they are much less restive. As you watch, you see another Cleanser come out of the establishment, and wanting very much to be off the street before the Inquisitor walks out, you advert your gaze ... which is when you notice that the rain has picked up. You would still consider it light, and even without your oversized parasol, the veil and the brim of your hat - you think it is the billycock - is more than sufficient to keep you dry, but there is no indication that this shower is going to break. Or for that matter, not intensify.
You start to turn your back to the carriage to head down the street, when you realize that doing so is going to take you closer to the Promontory, not the Landward Walls, where you need to be. You could reroute yourself once out of sight from the carriage by taking side-streets and alleys, but even in the nicer portions of Cleanport, you are not sure if that is going to be safe - or clean, for that matter. But if you were to stick to just to the wide thoroughfares, you would wind up really out of your way. Of course, there is a third option, as terrifying as it might be. Just ... walk to the top of the street. Right past the Cleansers. A terrifying prospect to be sure ... but the ones that you can see aren't equipped, and you have no reason to believe that they are on a Hunt - for you, or anyone else. And it could save you from the side-streets and alleys ... or and additional five to ten minutes of walking if you insisted on 'proper' streets only.
> Please choose ONE of the following
> Walk past the carriage
> Take the detours
> Stick to the main streets