(conversation between three very bored Vandenberg private security guards at the star dock
>>5818644below - somehow your CYBERNINJA enhanced senses / augmentations overhears this...)
AGILE GUARD (in haunted, nervously anxious pitched voice...)
... so you know it is bad luck, right? Stay away from those creepy drifting ships in deep space. They usually put out a distress call, a beacon or prerecorded transponder, sometimes it is a hologram of a vulnerable scared woman or desperate damsel or something. You are my only hope, blah blah. A distress call? Bait - nine times out of ten... BAIT! Pirates! Or slavers. Or torture-pirate slavers. Also cannibals. And that one time when it isn't? Well I heard this story, I swear it is true. They say there is this ship... it is really big, no like really REALLY MASSIVE... and everyone on it is dead. And when you see it... after you see it... the entire planetary system you are in gets wiped out. Utterly annihilated! Just gone! Stay away from the ghostly evil DEATH SHIP!