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You and Popov attempt to respond, but neither of you find much success. Either the message was set to transmit-only, or your broadcast had simply failed to reach their smaller, weaker man-portable comm units.
Source triangulation suggested that the extraction request originated only a few hundred meters to the team’s east – in a small cluster of two-to-three-story office buildings. Carter was chomping at the bit to breach the building and extract. But the final decision is up to you…
>Sanction the breach. QRF-15 will enter the building immediately and locate the source of the transmission. You and QRF-5A will provide perimeter security while the breach commences.
>We’ll look around first… Ask QRF-15 to scout out the region around the transmission. If there’s any funny business going on, you might be able to find out. But the transmission did seem to be urgent, so you would risk losing critical time if the team was in trouble.
>Write in? Neither of these strategies seem ideal to you. Is there a better course of action that you can think of?