>>5154823>>5154836>>5154869>>5154905>>5155140>>5155206It was time to take a decision. You raised your voice and said decisively.
-Enough ! We have heard enough. I shall decide.
You turned towards the crying couple and the swineherd who feared you and looked at them. They seemed to wait your decision and were a bit afraid. You let the silence invade the room for a few more moments, silence could be a powerful tool to create respect and to make your subjects remember that each word that you say is of utmost importance.
You then said.
-For letting your pig kill a child and not properly watching him you will pay a fine, Sausage the Swineherd. And you will pay compensation to the wronged family. Their child was killed because of your pig after all.
You then turned towards Oldfossil and asked him.
-What is the value of such compensations in local currency ?
-30 gold coins my Lord if it is an accident. Such is the custom.
You turned back to the man.
-Well then you will pay 30 gold coins to the family of Kenny and 30 more to us, as a fine. If you do not have the means to pay in gold you can pay in nature by giving some of your pigs or other possessions.
It was a hard fine and the swineherd bowed his head while the family tried to thank you even if the wife was still crying. Now it was time to decide for the pig.
>The pig is just a dumb animal, let him live, I am a merciful Lord.>No murderer shall go unpunished, the pig should be strangled at the main square of Local.>No murderer shall go unpunished, the pig should be strangled at the main square of Local. But it should be a lesson to all the animals of our lordship, tell everyone to come watch it with their pigs so the pigs will understand what happens when they disrespect the law.>The pig was an English spy and a child murderer, he shall have his arms and legs cut off at the main square of Local and be left to die. >A murdering pig deserves a pig's death, he shall be roasted alive and eaten ! No mercy for child murderers !(since it is a stalemate we need a tie breaker)