Quoted By:
Traits & Corruption Symptoms:
Detailed character information and effects.
1. Lost Memory:
> like a container to be filled... Effects: ???
2. Loyal Friend(Se-young):
> Se-young always tried to help you - Helping her back is a compulsion.
3. Traumatized by Fishmen(weak):
> You won't touch sushi ever again. Escaping them is a compulsion.
4. Experienced:
> You've seen some wild shit. Alters stats:
> Wisdom: Above Average
> Endurance: High
4. ???
> ???
1. Mixed Feelings: [RES<80]
> Gender is a forlorn concept! Go one way, or another... From one way, or another~ (broadens 'reach', not much else)
2. Two-Spirit: [RES<70]
> Yui or Aki, It doesn't really matter! You are at home with your femsona. Improves acting, and broadens wardrobe options~ (lower DCs for performing Femsona)
1. Soft and smooth: [SC<30]
> Such smooth voice, skin and features! Only brutes hide emotions~ (become just a lil' more emotional, no other effects)
2. Dainty built: [SC<40]
> Girls don't need strength~ Alters stats.
> Strength: Below Average.
> Dexterity: Above Average.
Roll dice for symptom after after passing the threshold.
Swallowing 'New' HRT pills allows you to choose the symptom and replace one. Each successive Pill doubles the RES cost: 3-6-12-24-58
Current RES: 65, Next threshold 60:
Current Personal Symptoms tree:
> 1-5: Lonely Maiden~.
> 6-10: Loyal Vassal.
> 11-15: Discerning Eyes.
> 16-20: With Friends like these...
Current General Symptoms tree:
> 21-40: Feminine Sensibilities.
> 41-60: Blabbermouth.
> 61-80: Fashion Girl.
> 81-100: Personal Space Not Included.
> [NONE]
> [NONE]
> [NONE]
Current School Corruption(SC): 42, next threshold 50: (+1 Major and Minor Symptom)
- ???
> 1. Strength: Below Average
> 2. Dexterity: Above Average
> 3. Endurance: High
> 4. Intelligence: Average
> 5. Wisdom: Above Average
> 6. Charisma: Very High
> ALL traits and symptoms impact Narrative voice and have certain effects on options or dice.
> Getting a symptom adds a new one in it's place.
> Traits and Symptoms paths adjust to how who you are and will update constantly; your choices matter - become a nurse? More 'nurse' like symptoms like ex. Amplified Empathy; change self-perception? Boom! change.
> why? I found this system much more clear and evident to what RES and SC does. Allows for more planing/risk management.
> Can you get rid of symptoms traits? Probably. How? Ask Someone.
> Ask away~