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<span class="mu-i">in a scattering spray of fire, multiple hostiles drop - and the seeking-prowling Hong8 needles fling themselves at mindspeed at the few remaining viable threats in the canteen. A Ninth Streeter who thought his position was quite secure learns something else...</span>
There's something to be said for a dense line of riot shields and proper overlapping fields of fire. Maybe that's Metroplex comes across so macho; they really like their lines of march and shield.
But Agents, watch your fire! INTERCEPTING hostiles (and you) are DANGEROUS; they <span class="mu-s">will</span> take a swipe at you as you try to ignore them - people with swords don't like to be ignored!
Agent Thukpa, I ran a data-filter on Graphite and the rest - and I've got positinge pings on some signatures in those backrooms.
Lead Agent Graphite, you found a gaggle of healthcare management adminstrator specialists! Just like them to hide out in the office and wait for all this to blow over. No, I'm not biased! Anyway, Agent Bnnyy has a lead on a nurse who's brave enough to lead these people out of here.
Get them all together and then get them a line out of this place. Agent Fold's smoke grenade should provide enough obscurement...
>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
<span class="mu-s">log</span>
Agent Dragon SUBJECT to an attack via Interception- you threw a grenade in melee. He's not going to stand there and let you do that! However, he missed. Pretty badly.
L-Agent Graphite gets +2 Motivation
Agent Mammoth gets +2 Motivation
Agent Bnnyy gets +2 Motivation
>Spend to move or add as +d10s to actions
>Also provides ablative DR against Stress, which just burns itself out against the properly motivated mind.
TS Devonshire takes 6 Shock (Intercept, movement stopped)
TS Devonshire takes 8 Shock (Intercept, loot action interrupted)
TS Devonshire takes 1 Bleed. That's apparently an original Myroasshiii. Real, real sharp.