>>5391731>>5391733>>5391787I guess that cinches it. I've done most of the prepwork over the last two days and will be posting the thread tomorrow. Using MS Paint for evolution, as is tradition, and the primitive civ stage and later space expansion, probable conquest, and struggle to avoid extinction. My hands shake constantly so it's pretty difficult to get the precision I need so the art'll likely be terrible but that's good, because the frustration keeps me focused. Lots of room to develop an enlightened and sophisticated species or a nightmare horror from the void. It will be a lot of fun, I think.
>>5391744I don't think I've seen many quests like that, with a definite end-point. It should be interesting to see happen. If the thread's lucky and cunning enough to survive intact, hell, we might even continue and see if the species can survive into the post-primarch era but that's a long way off and in no way guaranteed. It would be a sequel quest if anything. I've got a very solid grasp of the mechanics we'll be using for each stage and it should make for a varied experience, although each'll of course last for a fair amount of time.
>>5391842Goddamn, it's been so long I didn't think anyone remembered. I barely remember it myself but I remember I made a fundamental mistake with the time-keeping/turn-length early on and between that, my day job as a wagie, and a feeling that I'd fucked the quest at its foundation by taking the highest vote instead of the overwhelming majority of votes wanting the same thing in aggregate, I kind of broke a little. It's shameful and I was a faggot about it but I don't want that to happen again. I'm going to do better for (You), I want to stop being a fuckup. Stop flaking. Run an actual fucking quest to completion and stop letting neuroses accumulate and break it off.