>>5391168>>5391093>>5391070>Art: Anonymous (From the Mortuary Chapel of Rekmire)“In my time at sea, I saw how new unions can come from people whose ancestors once killed each other. This Eight Tribe will be accepted one day, but for now, I believe they should advise alongside me.”
Eko: A Compelling statement, I agree.
Guret: You agree that a people’s voice should be held until someone else deems it so?
Agana: I don’t think that’s what...
Kaori: I agree with Guret. If we recognize the people of Neikotan as their own tribe, they should have a voice at this table.
Norodom: This meeting is to deal with the lawlessness in our city, not to give out power like fruits at a festival.
Kaori: This meeting is about the people of Neikotan fighting for justice. What sense does it make to give them no say in their future?
Gamboa: The fact we’re having the conversation is part of the problem. No one should have to beg for their humanity like table scraps.
Norodom: Where does this end? Will they want a vote in the Axeholder elections? This “tribe” has no land, no they expect the Hall of Peace to give them the Taya’s? And what of tribute?
Agana looks around the table, reading the room.